
All offerings are very much delivered using an invitational  and inclusive (trauma informed) teaching style.  Many options are offered in a class to allow the student to be in control of their practice, therefore allowing a sense of empowerment.  Teachings are also given with functional anatomy in mind - we are ALL different, physically, and this is both acknowledged and celebrated.

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An all levels class for those with a basic level of fitness.  Practicing yoga by the beach is a real exercise in mindfulness and presence.  A slow flow style of yoga with class themes taken from our environment, yoga philosophy and the season.  Expect postures that you would normally do in studio, combined with an element of breathwork, meditation and qiga (yoga that helps move our Qi about!) thrown in for good measure.   (seasonal-May to Sept inclusive)


This is the fundamental principle in the popular Coorie Down sessions. An opportunity to slow down and take mindful rest.  Each session incorporates gentle movement, breathwork and mainly ground based poses, each of which are held for a few minutes.  Props are used in order to encourage relaxation of body, mind and soul.  Essential oil blends are curated to add to the experience of relaxation and a micro head massage or reiki is also offered as part of the experience.  Expect a wee yoga nidra (a deep guided rest) towards the end of the practice, often with the use of instruments, including voice, flute, chimes, shamanic drum and more!  Expect a good nights rest after coming to this class.

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This is a mixture of flowing through poses (vinyasa flow) and yin - longer held poses designed to stress (in a good way!) the connective tissue (fascia, tendons, ligaments), and bones. A flavour of Chinese medicine is often weaved through these classes, as well as chanting, breathwork and some qi movement in the form of Qiga.  No 2 classes are ever the same, although sometimes the theme may refer to the particular season of the year.

Note that yin classes are also offered in a stand alone format, as is a more movement based vinyasa flow practice.

 MENOPAUSE YOGA and menopause coaching

Menopause yoga supports women - primarily in their 40s and 50s and younger - who are at any stage of menopause. The classes and workshops offer a specially adapted approach to yoga, with breathing techniques, mindful meditation and a physical practice to help women manage a wide range of symptoms.

The aim of the workshops are to provide support to women on their menopause journey, through discussion and information about lifestyle, journaling and nutrition, MHT, along with other wellness practices - such as use of essential oils, herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (the sister science of Yoga)

Coming Soon - Menopuase coaching. Working with you on a 1 to 1 basis to help ,you navigate ths life stage and discover what works best for you on your individual journey.

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Seated classes can be a fabulous option for those recovering from an injury or mobility issues.  A steady, paced and relaxing class to bring balance to mind and body.

Sound Therapy


Sound healing is a growing field of alternative medicine that has been around for thousands of years. Music has been used throughout history to create positive effects on our mood and as a form of therapy to heal body, mind and spirit.

Many people find that after practicing sound healing techniques, they experience an increase in energy, improved mental clarity, increased creativity and better sleep.

Vibrations created with both instruments and voice can release trapped emotions and energy, and can in fact promote healing.

A sound therapy treatment is performed using music or sounds that are listened to whilst lying down or comfortably seated. Focusing on these vibrations promotes relaxation, alleviates stress, anxiety and tension. It also encourages deeper breathing.

Sound therapy techniques are delivered using tonal and rhythmic instruments and voice.

In sessions I use a combination of Himalayan and Crystal singing bowls, rain stick, Native American flute, Ocean drum and Shamanic drum. I may also include meditation prompts and visualization prompts too.

Come along to a Satanama Sound Bath and see what its all about!

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Using simple techniques underpinned with Chinese Philosphy to make friends with what is going on in the mind at that current moment.  These techniques are often used at the end of a yoga session, or can be offered as courses or stand alone sessions as required.

Small group classes are planned for Autumn 2024 - please sign up to be the first to hear about these.