Private sessions and 1:1

I had a really wonderful session with a student this weekend 1:1. She wanted some guidance on a short program that she could undertake at home in order to bring space, calm and flexibility into her life. We started with some breath work, and went onto set an intention (known as san kalpa in yoga). I then went onto guide her through various asana, some of which are best performed in the morning, to bring vigour and energise. Other asana were more calming, and would therefore be a perfect pre bedtime stretch.

As is often the case in our busy lives, we struggle to find time to ‘just be’, so these shorter sessions were prepared with that in mind. Obviously in yoga, the motivation has to come from within, but it also needs to suit the lifestyle of the individual.

After the yoga session I made my student comfortable and performed reiki which she found extremely beneficial - experiencing total body heaviness, calm and relaxation.

These 1:1 sessions can be precisely tailored to the needs of the student, and by asking the right kind of questions we were easily able to set goals and find a program that would be perfect.

If this is something that would be of interest then please do not hesitate to get in touch. I can come to you, or you can come to the studio here. I can also do private classes for a small number of people, again here at the studio, or I can come to you (depending on the distance to travel I will charge extra for fuel if over 10 miles from Aberlady).

At the moment I am running a special rate for people within the village area. Please do get in touch for details as this is a limited offer!!

Om Shanti


Angela Edwards