Exciting news!

2020 was certainly not the year most of us envisaged it would be - but I have to admit it wasn’t all bad!

I was fortunate enough to attend some excellent training over the course of the year which has allowed me to expand my yoga offerings further. To add to this I am a big lover of the environment (forever looking at ways to recycle household waste, and minimise overuse of plastic) so when I met Alisoun Mackenzie and heard about the fundraising opportunity she leads, I had to get involved.

Alisoun is leading a team of women who are raising funds to re-build one of 400 schools destroyed in the 2018 Lombok earthquake - most of which have still to be rebuilt.

People in the UK are concerned about the disruption of education due to Covid. Imagine if our children were without a school for over 2 years. No child should be without child-friendly education for any length of time.

To raise funds for this cause my Wednesday yoga class will now be a fundraiser for the Classroom of Hope charity. As 2021 progresses I shall also be adding Beach Yoga on a Saturday morning to my charity class, watch this space for my Spring online Yogathon!!

To find out more, or to donate - follow the link below!


Angela Edwards