Its not just what Davina says - reframing this stage without the celeb contamination

The birth of this workshop resulted from a feeling of frustration. Being peri menopausal myself, I was grateful for the Menopause Yoga teacher training I undertook in 2020 - it shed some light on my own journey. Since then my quest has been to further hone my offerings and be of service to others on this often bumpy, road. I have also successfully completed my Menopause Movement course which is looking at supporting individuals through a health, fitness and wellbeing lens and Wise Power (the Red School’s amazing course) which concentrates on the psychospiritual changes of midlife.

Yoga aside, I now feel, along with my extensive knowledge in reproductive physiology (part of my undergraduate degree was all about just this - and my thesis involved contraception in sheep believe it or not - that’s a story for another day!) I am able to help support midlife women navigating this journey in a workshop setting.

Recently, the media has been full of menopause awareness - which to me is somewhat double edged. Its great that we are hearing about it - after personal extensive letter writing to the Scottish Government and a petition by another Scottish yoga teacher urging the SMC to review Utrogestan prescribing (another long story), it took Davina’s program for the real change to occur.

This is my first gripe - why does it have to get to this stage for our voices to be heard? For this, I am grateful to the show’s researchers. It has resulted in a review and update on precribing guidelines - providing women with more choice - using a body identical progesterone which may lead to less side effects than one that is not BI.


The pendulum seems to have swung too much in the other direction and we are in danger of over medicalising this life stage. In a society where we want a quick fix and we don’t like to feel bad we often look towards external sources. Whilst HRT has literally been a life saver for many, is most certainly not a modality that should be the only source of support. HRT - if that is the informed choice - should be taken in conjunction with a balanced lifestyle. After all, there is no point in taking HRT for symptom management and necking wine, caffeine and refined sugars - which can exacerbate symptoms!

In December 2022 the BMS (British Menopause Society) released a statement about the worrying over prescribing of HRT in certain private clinics. It really is concerning that many people have seen symptoms worsening or had other side effects due to this occurrence.

This can leave many feeling rudderless as people - including GP’s, were only just beginning to regain faith in HRT after the damning and flawed Women’s Healthcare Initiative Study in 2002.

More recently, there have been demands for testosterone to become part of the HRT protocol -mainly to treat low low libido. This is currently an unlicensed product in the UK, and new research is underway to look at the benefits and side effects. It really doesn’t help when certain celebrities talk about their own journey (perhaps feeling like they are helping), which then leads to an influx of people attending their GP practice demanding a certain treatment regime perhaps being unaware of the cost/benefit.

There are potential side effects taking any medication, and a knowledgeable GP will be able to explain this in detail. Yet in workshops I hear of many people who have not been given much information if any. Time pressures and stress within this environment don’t seem to help. Some women find their GP amazing - but sadly there is a lack of consistency .

To conclude, we are the ones in charge of our own journey, and its up to us to educate ourselves so that we can make an informed decision about how to manage this life stage, and feel our best as we make this transition.

This workshop has been created to offer information and signpost you to explore any further modalities that may resonate. From strength training for bone and muscle support, to nutrition and holistic practices, yoga and journaling, Vharri McMinn (a personal trainer with many years experience) and myself are delighted to offer this day retreat.

What to expect -

Saturday  3rd June 1030-1630. Tickets via Move Yoga website or app.🌿

Come and join myself and Vharri for a wonderful  day retreat, covering all the things you can do to support  yourself  at this life stage.🌾

A strength session  💪  with Vharri

Nutrition  chat, info about a holisitic approach to symptom management  as well as HRT

Circle  time - your opportunity  to learn as well as input your own experiences🌿

Lunch and snacks🥙


Not one, but 2 menopause  yoga sessions curated to help relieve some of the more common symptoms of menopause.

(Menopause yoga - suitable even if you  have never  done yoga - is a mix of yoga styles, breathwork,  meditation, and qi gong)

Leave feeling uplifted yet relaxed and ready to embrace your  second spring.🌱🌱🌱

Let's reframe this life stage as a time to be celebrated!☘️

If you require any further information or links to any of the aforementioned articles then please get in touch. Remember all of us born female will go through this, so whether you are there, or are curious, this workshop is for you. If you have attended any of my previous offerings - it is still relevant as it has the added ‘go faster stripes and spoiler elite edition’!

Angela Edwards