
This time of the year, when there is less light, it’s a good opportunity to look inwards - a time for reflection. I liken it to gardening - releasing from the more active time of growing, through to the harvest of those actions, to mulching down and composting the season that we have passed through.

It’s been an extremely busy time both personally and professionally, and in order to fully integrate the ‘doing’ there needs to be a shift to ‘being’.

I am currently studying with the Red School - following their Wise Power Menopause teachings. This has been such perfect timing as the seasons change.

This course has really highlighted the psychospiritual transition we undergo at this stage of life. It is still often misunderstood in society. Menopause is being talked about more and more with a great emphasis on the physical - which is often where there is a change first - but when we spotlight this life stage and really take time to unpick it - it truly is a time of psychological and spiritual upheaval too.

I shall post more in future blogs about this as its incredibly deep work, and takes time to process and reflect.

For now, perhaps consider, wherever you are in your life cycle, what you are processing - take the time to allow it to percolate, step away from the electronic device you are on and spend a few moments in solitude and calm, noticing sensations, feelings.

This is a perfect time to literally spend a little time each day (although i encourage this at any time of year) resting, digesting, composting and mulching.

Once we arrive at the solstice we look towards sowing seeds of intention, but for now, take time to be a human being, not a human doing x

Angela Edwards