Seasons change

I thought I would update my website - something I try and do when I remember, and realised that I haven’t actually posted in my blog since early January!

When I take a moment or 3 to reflect I realise why - BUSY!! - this year has seen a huge return to in person classes, and for my teachings, a complete phasing out of Zoom classes - something that personally I am fairly pleased about. When it comes to my own practice I mainly prefer an in person offering, but do also completely understand the benefits of a remote practice.

Perhaps I am contradicting myself a little in that I am still offering a hybrid model at Move Yoga studio yin yang on a Wednesday - but I am relishing the ‘in person’ experience, community and chat!

With any change comes a transitionary period, and in some ways I feel this is still the case. I was still fairly new to the teaching game when the pandemic struck, and getting used to offering assists where appropriate. This, for me has taken so much longer to feel comfortable about undertaking as we return to in person classes. Partly this is confidence, but mainly its the fact that I undertook trauma informed training as well as learning much more about variable anatomy. Is it appropriate, necessary, wanted?

Getting to grips with this is an ongoing process, and I am offering assists, mini head massages or reiki in certain settings where appropriate, and also once I get to know the students that attend.

Beach Yoga is almost at an end for the 2022 season and it continues to be a huge source of joy. Community is the cement that builds the foundation for these classes, and when a fire gathering and optional sea dip is also part of the agenda the magic happens. I am fortunate enough to hold space and observe friendships blossoming, shared humour, and joy in a non judgemental environment.

As people have more freedom, travel has been high on the priority list for many, including myself. Classes have perhaps been a little quieter than they were in 2021. There are still a contingent of hardy souls who show up most weeks to get their beach yoga hit. Others come and go, but being a part of someone’s journey regardless is a very special privilege.

My offerings continue to evolve, and I am lucky enough to be doing some training with The Red School later this year - tapping into the Wise Power of the Menopause. I feel we need to change the narrative of this life stage, which can often be rather negative - get rid of stigmas and realise as ‘middle aged crones’ that we really are able to offer the world something special.

On that note, its time for me to go and practice my piano - a hobby I took up at 48. There is always the opportunity to grow and flourish - take the bull by the horns and do it!!

Angela Edwards