Solstice arrives - honey encrusted parsnips and soul food!

I felt a calling to come and update my blog, and having read the previous entry, noticed that I mentioned the solstice.

It’s a powerful shift in the seasons, although we are in the depths of winter, we welcome back the light. An opportunity to set intentions for the lighter months that lie ahead. I realise that we don’t really notice the difference in December, but believe me, it is there - slowly edging into our days - lengthening them minute by minute.

December can be a busy month, and often it can feel overwhelming. I have run 2 sold out rest and restore mini workshops and they have been very well received - it definitely is important to gift yourself rest as part of your wellbeing protocol. I did have a chat with someone recently who talked about being exhausted and overwhelmed, trying to fit self care into their already busy schedule. Remember, self care doesn’t need to be about retreats or spas - something as basic as deciding what to have that will nourish you for dinner is also self care, as is clearing your diary so that you have nothing planned - this is no mean feat for many!

I have also noticed that a couple of events that I have attended recently have had a few folks cancel at the last minute - their reason? - being too busy!

Busy is a general term - perhaps it is better to actually state what is the cause of your busyness - having a closer look at what is causing the overwhelm. Are you able to leave certain things (such as writing Christmas cards or the like because you have always done it that way?) or has guilt, social media and society made you feel that you must conform to the demands placed upon you during the festive season. Perhaps build in protected, non negotiable time for the things that make you feel good - what I like to call ‘soul food’.

This is a really good opportunity to simplify your life - when it is already complicated enough. Our friends are often our greatest teachers - another pal mentioned that she is sharing the Christmas Dinner task with her parents - keeping things simple so they can all enjoy the day - I mean does it really matter if you dont have your honey encrusted parsnips this year?

I have been simplifying my life at this time of year over the past few years - but like everyone I don’t always get things right. Life is all about balance - the key is noticing when the scales are tipping too far one way or the other, and also letting go of guilt - it really is a mood hoover!

I will be back in 2023 with more classes, workshops, musings and general blethers!

Have a healthy and calm time whatever the festive period means for you.

Angela Edwards